The Wandering Lens2025-03-23T00:12:03+00:00
The Wandering Lens — Maya’s Mindful Adventures for the Creative Traveler

Hi, Hola, Bonjour, Ciao, Jambo, Aloha! I’m Maya Rose—a travel journalist, photographer, and designer. I love discovering what makes a destination tick. Experiencing natural and man-made wonders, trying new foods, learning from people of other cultures, and observing spectacular wildlife have all deepened my compassion and curiosity. This thirst for adventure and perspective is why I take photographs—and why I share them.

The Wandering Lens — Maya’s Mindful Adventures for the Creative Traveler

Hi, Hola, Bonjour, Ciao, Jambo, Aloha!

I’m Maya Rose—a travel journalist, photographer, and designer. I love discovering what makes a destination tick. Experiencing natural and man-made wonders, trying new foods, learning from people of other cultures, and observing spectacular wildlife have all deepened my compassion and curiosity. This thirst for adventure and perspective is why I take photographs—and why I share them.

Let’s capture the moment.

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