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Need to say all the right things plus sound good doing it? I got you! I write for web, print + everything in between.
TAGLINES + SLOGANS | starting at $275
Being remembered matters! Condense your unique business into a definitive identity with tantalizing taglines + catchy slogans that boost your brand to new heights.
RESUMES + COVER LETTERS | hourly rate of $95
Hate writing about your achievements? Don’t we all. I’ll write copy that is both boastful + believable to get you an interview for that new job you’ve been dreaming of.
WEB CONTENT | hourly rate of $95
It’s not about the number of words, it’s about the mileage! I’ll give your website a complete makeover, building brand awareness while keeping SEO keywords in mind + the long page scrolls to a minimum.
SOCIAL MEDIA | hourly rate of $95
In need of popping posts that will skyrocket likes and shares? I’ll turn your drafts into simple, engaging copy that stays true to your brand’s tone of voice + creates some buzz.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS | hourly rate of $95
In need of content that walks, talks + sells for you? Engage your audience with persuasive product descriptions constructed to inspire action, showcasing the value of what you offer.
À LA CARTE SERVICES | let’s talk!
Don’t see what you’re looking for? These options aren’t written in the stars. I also write press releases, emails + newsletters, content for marketing collateral + more.
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